Home 2019-09-10T13:35:06+00:00

Welcome to SENSE!

The “SENSE” Strategic Partnership project launched in early 2017, in which universities of 4 EU Member States are involved (Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Antwerp, Tilburg University, University of Luxembourg and University of Gdańsk), aimed to contribute to solving problems in the field of EU transnational road transportation, by providing adequate understanding of the legal setting, both at national level and at EU/comparative level. The partners  developed high quality education modules about this subject. In view of this, SENSE made an inventory of existing law and regulations at national level. It also examined the problems and solutions in the field of regulations in the transport sector within the participating countries. It analysed the national rules and regulations applicable; the role of the social partners and/or other strategic partners; over a time period of (at least) five years all national case law and all relevant publications; all legislative efforts undertaken; and all national solutions to these problems that are in place or contemplated. In addition, it analysed the role of EU fundamental freedoms; of private international law; of the Posting of Workers Directive 96/71/EC (including enforcement Directive 2014/67/EU and revised PWD); of the coordination of social security systems and of European social dialogue in the transport branch. Overall, SENSE provided the educational and pedagogic basis for better understanding and responding to new challenges regarding worker mobility in the EU transnational transport sector. Have a look at our project dissemination video to see the results!